Family Travel, International Travel, Preparing for Travel

Blogging Silence

Life has been a tad busy around here these past few weeks and I have just simply had to put writing and blogging on hold.  Each day I try to carve out a few minutes to add a few more sentences, to find the perfect picture, or to finally hit the ‘publish’ button.  But, I just haven’t had the energy or motivation to do so.

One of the reasons Alan and I chose to come to Australia for a year was to reset.  In this time of rethinking and reestablishing, we have discovered there are moments we choose life events over our own family’s needs.  This is clear in how we have been spending our time and energy over the past few years – since coming to Australia we have been challenged to hold our family’s needs more intentionally than we have in the past.

As this holiday season approached I realized the blog was something that was taking my head space and, at times, taking me away from my family and their needs.  It was a no-brainer to just simply stop turning my computer on for a while and instead acknowledge the needs of my people, my tribe.  Being fully present is something that I struggle with daily (I attribute it to my self-diagnosed ADD), so I am choosing intentionality and being present over my needs/wants to write and share our tales.

With all of this being said, I have a new plan for writing/blogging that will hopefully allow me the time and space for my creativity and desires to share our tales of traveling, but also for my family to have ME, all of me.  I am releasing myself from expectations of having a number of posts up a week (my goal had been three a week), and instead am going to write one day a week with the hope of posting our tales as often as I can!  No expectations.

Stay tuned for some of our traveling updates as I get them completed.  In the meantime, may each of you find ways to reset and reflect upon the ways being fully present and more intentional will enrich your life as much as it already has mine!




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