Extended Tribe Travel, International Travel, Preparing for Travel

Extended Tribe Tales – Julie from Creative Travel Connections

Since this is the first EVER “Extended Tribe Tales” post, I want to give a little background on why this is so important to us.  Our tribe’s network of people who love to travel as much as we do, if not more, is vast.  The intention of this blog is to share tales of more than just our small tribe – the community that surrounds us is a vital part of who we are at our core, so inviting those people into our journey of blogging about the world seems logical.  The world is big and wide and there is no possible way our little tribe of six will cover every inch or corner ( though we hope to try).  But I know through our extended tribe of friends and family we can share and highlight just about every continent, many cultures, stories of triumph and redemption in multiple countries and cities, and hopefully learn a thing or two about humanity along the way.  So, without further ado, welcome to Extended Tribe Tales…

Today’s post is an interview with my friend Julie from Creative Travel Connections.  Our paths crossed several years ago at church.  Little did we know then that we would be supporting each other in our travel blogging endeavors today!  Funny how things happen…I cannot wait for you to meet Julie and possibly use her expertise in planning one of your next adventures OR joining her on one of her amazing trips in 2018!  Her zest for life, her deep passion for exploring the world, and her genuine desire to bring good to every corner of this earth are what intrigue me and inspire me!


Tell a bit about yourself.  Do you remember the moment you realized you loved to travel? 

I love to learn about our world through travel and can’t wait to find out “what’s around the next corner”. Experiencing and learning about new places and cultures is my passion and helping others discover the good in our world drives me.

I discovered my wanderlust when I was 6-years-old looking out the rear view window of the family Buick. With seven of us headed from Michigan to Florida in that big blue 1970’s ride, during those days seat belts weren’t required by law, my seat for the entire 24 hours was actually on the platform next to the back window. Our family’s road trips soon expanded to more conducive vehicles, but at the helm of all our trips was my dad. He introduced me to geological wonders, various North American cultures, magnificent forests, architecture, and ocean life. If there’s one thing I inherited from my dad, it’s his wanderlust and for that, I’m deeply grateful.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve had the opportunity to travel around the world and my wanderlust has only grown. Now, in my 40’s, I find joy in helping others do the same.


What do you love most about traveling?

I love everything from the minute it starts. I even love being on an airplane and anticipating my destination! Whether I’m traveling somewhere I’ve never been or visiting a familiar location, I always learn something new about the place or people who live there. This is what is so wonderful about travel, there are endless opportunities if you’re willing to be open to them.

What have been the highlights of traveling for you in the past year or two?

I have fallen in love with SE Asia. This past year, I stayed on Penang Island, Malaysia for 4 months and from there I visited the Maldives, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. The diversity in these countries absolutely fascinates me. From the landscape to cuisines, there’s never a dull moment! And the hospitality I encountered each place I went made me want to stay forever.


How did you get to where you are now in terms of running a business and leading trips around the world?  What’s next for you?

Since 2008, I’ve wanted to lead trips and start a business in the travel industry. I wasn’t sure what that would look like exactly until last year. I had worked for a company that focuses on cultural intelligence and works with organizations around the world—I learned a lot about running a business and marketing. At the end of last year, I decided to take the plunge and run a pilot trip to Greece. This trip took place in July and it was a huge success. The positive feedback I received from the participants was beyond my expectations and I had the time of my life. The minute the trip ended, I knew that this is was my dream job.

I [Creative Travel Connections] have 3 trips planned for 2018 (Thailand, Italy, and Greece) and I’m planning a 4th for the last part of the year. I’ve also added travel planning and corporate retreats to Creative Travel Connections services.

PLEASE Check out Julie’s site…    http://creativetravelconnections.com


Are there books or people who inspire your life choices?  Who/what speaks the most to you?  

There are so many in my life that inspire me. I’m fortunate to have friends and family that support me, teach me, listen to me, and give me space to be me.

But this question makes me think of all the inspirational women I’ve met in my travels. I’ll mention one story… While I was in Malaysia this past year, I often took Uber to get around. It was inexpensive and easy, especially in the heat. The drivers were often men, but now and then I would get in a car being driven by a woman. I always strike up conversations with Uber drivers and ask questions about the best place to eat, what they love about their city, etc. One afternoon when I got in the car being driven by a woman who was Muslim, I asked her what made her decide to start driving for Uber. She told me that rather than sitting home waiting for her children to come home from school, she drops them off and drives for Uber until they’re ready to be picked up. She doesn’t have to drive for the money, but it gives her an opportunity to meet people from around the world and a little extra cash for fun. I love this! It may seem like something minor, but I love any instance of a woman being brave, confident, and doing something that gives her life. I don’t care if it’s driving Uber, caring for one’s children in their home, or running a Fortune 500 company – women who pave their own path inspire me.

What do you hope to gain/learn as you travel?

I hope to learn how to be a better person, care for the earth better, be more inclusive—giving all humanity the dignity and respect they deserve.

I hope to gain perspective wherever I go. I want my eyes and ears to be opened to others stories.

I believe we have so much to learn from each other, no matter our religion, race, background, economic status, education, etc.


What is the most interesting culture outside of American culture that you’ve been introduced to and what draws you to it? 

Thailand. There’s something about the people, culture, cuisine, and landscape that draws me in. I’ve been to Krabi on the southern coast, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai — each has a different feel and landscape but the Thai hospitality and inclusiveness are evident in all three. The country is absolutely beautiful. And the food…where do I begin?! If I order medium spice in Malaysia it means something completely different in Thailand–in other words, my mouth is on fire for a day when I order medium spice in Thailand…and I love it! Thailand also is organized in terms of tourism, from something simple like finding the boat driver wearing the same color shirt as your ticket color makes getting around in an unfamiliar setting easy.

I also find the collective cultural value of Thailand comforting. When I was there this year, Thais were in the midst of a one year mourning period for their King. I found the care, thoughtfulness, and tradition around this grieving process fascinating.


Have you ever had a travel faux pas?  If so, describe it and what you learned from it.  If not, how do you prepare for your travels to make sure you don’t run into issues?

Several and probably some that I didn’t even realize I did!

Last year, I went to Italy with a friend. We arrived in Rome, rented a car, and what we thought was a 4-hour drive to our bed and breakfast in the mountains of Umbria. We were staying at a winery in the middle of an olive grove on the top of a mountain! Well, our 4-hour drive quickly turned into 6 hours and the sunset. We figured out we were lost when the road turned into a two-track dirt path with a cliff on one side and forest on the other, no road signs, and our GPS lost its signal. We knew the B&B had to be fairly close by so we kept going another mile. It wasn’t until we ran into a herd of cattle sleeping in our path that we decided to turn around! By this time it was nearly midnight and we spotted a house with its lights on. We stopped to talk with the owner who appeared very nervous that two random Americans were at her doorstep. Trying to communicate with our limited Italian and her limited English language skills, we figured out that we were on the opposite side of the mountain. We finally found our way to the B&B after many laughs, a few freak-out moments, and a forever image of the cows we almost ran into! 

With an unlimited budget and time or any other obstacles weren’t factors…where is your dream destination and who would you take with you?

I love the beach/water and I love snorkeling even more! Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef is on the top of my “dream destination list”.  

Looks like Julie needs to come visit A Traveling Tribe while we are in Australia!

Staying on a catamaran and sailing around the Caribbean for a couple of months with my closest friends would also be at the top of my list.

How do I get on the ‘closest friends’ list?!  That trip sounds amazing!


Julie, thanks again for taking time to share a bit of your story with us!  SE Asia is on our tribe’s list of places to see, so when we are ready to venture there, you will be the first person we call!  I hope to join you on one of your adventures in the near future as well!  Journey on, friend…

Be sure to check Julie out on social media as well –

Instagram @creativetravelconnections

Facebook @creativetravelconnections

Website  http://creativetravelconnections.com


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